But, I've got to admit my biggest downfall has been resorting to eating cheese and bread when in a rush, especially since I would like to eventually transition to veganism.
But I will do my research like a good vegetarian and start finding better on-the-go food choices.
Now lets celebrate with a little bit of vegetarian foodporn...
Goodmorning yum!
blueberry chutney & pear toast / berries, yogurt & walnuts
zuchini & brocoli scramble (best bf ever) / apples & yogurt with banana nutella toast
Afternoon pick-me-ups
homemade three-bean salad / strawberry, pineapple, spinach salad
apple & cheese and spinach & avocado toasts / veggie fajita with homemade bean,rice&asparagus salad
Summer night suppers
garden burger with guacamole / chickpea patty ( good sub for breaded chicken!)
corn on the cob with a summer salad / veggie dogs with even more veggies
June is here and I just cant wait for all the summer excitement that's to come.
Moksha has been helping me get into summer shape along with my trusty bicycle that I adore.
Happy Summer
Good work Mel! I admire your dedication :)